How to make a reservation
After logging in, click on "Schedule" > "Find A Time".
Fill the desired details and click "Find A Time".
Please note the functionality of each numbered boxes in the above image are as follows.
- If you tick this box, your search will cover all resources. If this box is not checked, you must specify resources in box 2.
- Begin typing to find the required resources, then pick from the drop-down menu. You have the option of selecting multiple resources.
- You have the option of specifying the required time period.
- If you have a specific time in mind, tick the box and enter the start and end times.
- Set the frequency of repetition. Depending on the resource settings, this option may or may not operate.
- To narrow your search, click "More options" and then select the appropriate options.
Once you click on "Find A Time" you will be prompted with available slots. Select a desired slot from the list.
You will be redirected to a reservation page once you have selected a slot. Your reservation must have a title, and a description is optional but encouraged. When you are ready with all the details, click Create to create a booking. Please note that for resource that need approval, the reservation will be confirmed only after the approval authority approves the request.
You will be prompted a success message if your reservation is made. If unsuccessful, the reason will be displayed.