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Proxy setting for UoM internal devices step by step guide.

  • Click on the start menu, search for proxy, and click on proxy settings.
  • hiyhNCWSxRVz4Kmz-screenshot-2024-01-19-101502.png
  • Make sure that "Automatically detect settings" is turned off. Then click on "Set up" under "Use a proxy server."

  • Screenshot 2024-01-19 102106.png

  • Turn on "Use a proxy server and enter (copy and paste) the below values to the respective places. Check "Don't use the proxy server for local (intranet) addresses." Finally, click save.
    • Proxy IP address:

    • Port:

    • 3128
    • Use the proxy server except for addresses that start with the following entries. Use semicolons (;) to separate entries.

    • localhost;*.local;<local>;*;*;*
  • Screenshot 2024-01-19 110057.png